Access to several podcasts fails

App version: 2.5.2 (Custom built APK, F-droid)
Android version: 9
Expected behaviour: all selected podcasts with all selected episodes are available
Current behaviour:
Only a few podcasts work without any problems and show the expected behaviour.

Other podcasts lead to one of the following errors:
(a) if the podcast can be loaded and I select one episode the selection of an episode leads to an error with message:
“unable to resolve host ‘’ no address assiciated with hostname”
(b) after selection of the podcast:
“unable to resolve host no address associated with hostnam”

It seems to be a server problem - what can I do ??

First occurred: (e.g. about x days/weeks ago)
just after installing on 25-06-22

Steps to reproduce:

  1. This
  2. Then that
  3. Then this
  4. Etc.

When the podcast’s server configuration is broken there is nothing AntennaPod can do about it. You will have to contact the publisher of those podcasts and have them resolve their issue.

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