Episodes screen proposal

It looks indeed to me like it is the Episodes screen, with a few changes:

  • Direct access to ‘Discover’ or ‘Add podcast’ screen
  • Can swipe episodes to ‘mark as played’ (but I think this should be configurable)
  • Have ‘quick filters’ similar to the tabs we have now, but as a floating thing on the bottom (which is actually an interesting concept to replace tabs)

In fact this feels to me pretty related to the Introduce new screen/sytem: ‘Inbox’, more than the home screen.

So from @ueen’s description this doesn’t seem to be happening here.
But I believe I’ve seen people describe this more often on GitHub. And in fact my boyfriend does this: goes to episodes list of a specific podcast, goes through the list, and downloads some while marks others as played. Hence my suggestion to introduce an ignored state for the inbox.