Filter Option causes App to crash on one Podcast. Broken Database?

App version: latest from F-Droid, but appeared on older version already

Expected behaviour: filter option is working

Current behaviour:
When I tab the filter icon the app crashes. This happens on one particular podcast only, the podcast shows to be filtered although I think it shows most/all episodes.
Deleting the podcast and resubscribing solves the issue but I would rather not lose the statistics. It is one of the podcast I’ve subscribed longest. I think I’ve exported and imported AntennaPods database more than once since then because of OS upgrade.
Any idea what might be the issue or how I could try to repair the database?

I tried some general database repairing some time ago, but that caused the import to fail. I don’t remember the commands though.

First occurred: at least for two months, probably longer

Please post the details displayed on the “report bug” screen in the app.


Android version: 11
OS version: 3.4.113-lineageos-ge89434a69fe
AntennaPod version: 2.3.1
Model: unknown
Device: unknown
Product: unknown

Crash info

Time: 14-08-2021 08:57:26
AntennaPod version: 2.3.1


java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.RadioButton.setChecked(boolean)' on a null object reference
	at de.danoeh.antennapod.dialog.FilterDialog.openDialog(SourceFile:55)
	at de.danoeh.antennapod.fragment.FeedItemlistFragment.lambda$refreshHeaderView$5$FeedItemlistFragment(SourceFile:482)
	at de.danoeh.antennapod.fragment.-$$Lambda$FeedItemlistFragment$M0LZCs86pZNkWQ-JCDAVTx06etw.onClick(Unknown Source:2)
	at android.view.View.performClick(
	at android.view.View.performClickInternal(
	at android.view.View.access$3600(
	at android.view.View$
	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
	at android.os.Looper.loop(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

Thanks, will be fixed in the next update

Cool thank you.
And I thought is was something with my individual database :see_no_evil:.

It is pretty weird that the app crashes at that point (there is something in the database that we don’t expect) but I don’t know how it ended up there. Unfortunately, the logs don’t say what exactly is there. If you want (and know how to do it), you could have a look at the content of the “filter” column of that feed in the database.

I’ve had a look at the database now. I did not find a column named “filter” but in the table “Feeds” the columns “exclude_filter” and “hide” both hat the value “0”, which was different from the other feeds.

I’ve deleted both values and imported the database back into the app. Seems to work fine now.

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