Ability to skip ads in the podcast

Is all this feasible on a small device like a phone? Sounds like a resource-intensive process.


I find a few taps of the skip buttons on speaker / earphones / phone works for me except then I am in the shower or otherwise have my hands occupied. Usually a +60 skip then one or two -20 skips does the job for me.


Hello audiophiles,

I have written a bash script to create ad timestamps for a set of audio files by transcribing them and comparing against each other for common text. You can find it here.

Does anybody know of a podcatcher that supports automatic ad skipping from imported timestamps?

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hello! I created a Python app that can be used to implement SponsorBlock in AntennaPod (or any podcast app that can read from an RSS feed): https://github.com/ericmedina024/podcast-sponsor-block. It works by converting podcast playlists from YouTube into RSS feeds that you can add into AntennaPod. When AntennaPod downloads the podcast, podcast-sponsor-block downloads the audio from YouTube, removes the sponsor segments, and serves it back to AtennaPod. The only catch is that you do need to host it somewhere, it’s not something you can just install on your phone.