Add "Move to top" in Queue swipe actions

App version: 3.4.1 (F-Droid)

Problem you may be having, or feature you want:
After adding episodes to the Queue from the Inbox, I order the queue between news and other kind of media (interviews, book comentaries, and so on). So I long press those I want to listen first in the morning an put them in the top of the queue.

Suggested solution:
There is no “move to top” option in the swipe action posibilities. This could make very quick the queue admin.

PS: sometimes the queue order, after reorder is not followed. e.g. Keep playing in the order of the list previews the manual sort. I dunno if it is a bug or not.

Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details:

If you’re talking about the way the queue is displayed on the Home page, it can be unintuitive but is not a bug. It displays what will play next, which is not necessarily what is at the top of the queue.

I’m not talking about the home page. In the queue, after adding stuff from the Inbox, lets say:

Then I reorder the list to listen C after A:

After A is finished, the next item to play should be C, but sometimes is still playing B after A.

That does sound frustrating. Is the Lock Queue option checked?

Nope. Is not locked, also is not something that happens every time.

This (as well as “move to bottom”/last and “move to next”) would be a great addition.

Like (probably) many people, I listen to a variety of podcast genres, which might include “current events/news” podcasts which I want moved to the top/front of the queue (or “next up”), as well as more “general interest” (or catching up on the back catalog) podcasts, which I want to place last.

Having more gestures to manipulate the queue would really speed things up (for me at least)

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This is exactly my usecase. When adding from the Inbox to the Queue an “Add to top of Queue” would also be useful.

I completely understand this use case since that’s how I originally used podcast apps. However, someone clued me into the fact that since new items go to the “bottom” of the queue, and the queue plays toward the bottom, it’s easier to stop moving things to the top of the queue unless I want to listen later - in which case it might make more sense to leave them in the InBox. I.E.: If I want to play something later I move it toward the top of the queue, and if I want it now I move it to the “bottom” where it will play next.