All podcast subscriptions and downloads disappeared after upgrading to 3.0

App version: 3.0.2 F-droid

Android version: Android 10. /e/OS custom ROM 1.10

After upgrading AntennaPod to version 3.0.2, all of my subscriptions, downloads, and settings disappeared. Is there any way to recovery from this catastrophic failure? I note that this is the first and only catastrophic error I’ve encountered with AntennaPod over many years of use.

Reloading a backup should restore everything related to your listening though not the settings.

Have you made a backup lately?

Here is the full issue that I filed on github with more info. This is a bug that needs to be fixed, but I don’t have the time to wait, so (1) I nuked the “de.danoeh.antennapod” directory, (2) at this point I was able to resync my subcriptions with nextcloud, and (3) at some point I will redownload manually the files that were in my queue. This is not a catastrophe for me, because I use antennapod on several devices that are synced. However, for someone that is not as careful as me, this would be a huge inconvenience.

I updated AntennaPod from version 2 to 3.0.2 today on F droid. After opening the app the first time, it immediately crashed. I opened it a second time, and it seemed to work, but all of my subscriptions, downloads, and queue were empty.

I use nextcloud sync, but even though it says that the sync was successful, no podcast subscriptions appear in the AntennaPod app.

It appears that my files are still on my device at internal>data>de.danoeh.antennapod>files, but in this directory, there are two files crash-report.log (attached below), and CorruptedDatabaseBackup.db, both which were created today.

It appears that my previous downloads are still located in the Media folder, so I thought that maybe I could just change the “storage” location in the app. However, when I open the storage settings, I am asked to choose a storage location, but only one is provided: storage/emulated/0/

Any suggestions would be helpful. The 3.0.2 app is completely unusable for me.

## Crash info
Time: 11-05-2023 11:11:55
AntennaPod version: 3.0.2

## StackTrace
java.lang.IllegalStateException: attempt to re-open an already-closed object: SQLiteDatabase: /data/user/0/de.danoeh.antennapod/databases/Antennapod.db
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteClosable.acquireReference(
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.rawQueryWithFactory(
	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.rawQuery(
	at$onStartCommand$5$DownloadService(Unknown Source:0)
	at$$Lambda$DownloadService$ Source:4)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
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The reason is that a long time ago, an AntennaPod version had a bug that corrupted the database for some users. The bug is long fixed, but left some users with semi-broken databases. The database can break at any point (even when just marking something as played), but it is more likely to break when there is a large update. Simply importing a database backup will re-import the corrupted version, so it needs to be either re-generated from Gpodder or the database needs to be repaired on a PC.

How can I repair the database on PC?
Based on what you wrote, it seems like I have a sem-broken older database, but I haven’t yet synced it on Could I do that now and will that fix the problem?

@patroni Note that having saved a broken database of AntennaPod is a different thing from having a backup on

For repairing a broken AntennaPod database on the PC, two approaches are linked on our help page: All my podcasts & episodes are gone – AntennaPod. You will need to handle the terminal for this, though.

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