Android Auto Podcast and Episode Icons

App version: 3.5.0 from Github

Android version: 12

Device model: Samsing Galaxy Note 10+ 5G

Expected behaviour: Local folder podcast in Android Auto car display should have the same icon in the podcasts and the episodes list that they have in phone display.

Current behaviour: They do not show any icon in the list of episodes and podcast. However they do show the episode miniature while playing.

First occurred: 2 weeks#

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Save a set of .mp3 files in a local folder with embeded icon and metadata. Save a folder.jpg file with the icon for the podcast.
  2. Open Antenapod in Android Auto car display.
  3. Go to the podcats list and open the podcast in local folder.
  4. Podcast name and episodes are displayed but with no icon.
  5. Play the podcast and see it does show the miniature while playing.
  6. Do the same in phone screen and see that icons are displayed.

Environment: Last version of the app in Android Auto in car display.

Unfortunately this is not possible because Android Auto cannot fully access local files

Thanks. So I understand the options would be exposing the channel as a RSS feed, right? I’ve been trying to setup ydl-podcast + ngnix under termux to expose it as a local rss feed, but I’ve had no success so far.

Not sure if Android Auto can access a podcast that is hosted locally on your phone. In any case, you would have to extract the cover images from the audio files, write them to a file, and reference that file from the podcast feed.

I think AntennaPod might not be the best app for your use-case. It is made for playing podcasts, not for playing files you downloaded elsewhere. For playing your downloaded files, it might be better to use a normal media player app.

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I use the Smart Audiobook Player app for this kind of listening.

It is only the icons that I miss and only in Android Auto display. Everything else is perfect. And it is podcast even thow it is in local file so I prefer to have them in the same app as other podcasts. I definitely can live without seeing the icons.

Just letting you know that I succeeded setting up ydl-podcast (see: GitHub - nbr23/ydl-podcast: A simple tool to generate Podcast like RSS feeds from youtube (or other youtube-dl supported services) channels, using youtube-dl.) locally on the phone to create a RSS feed from the youtube channel last episodes.

Then the folder is exposed in nginx also running locally on the phone and I setup podcast in AntennaPod with a localhost URL.

I’ll check later if it works in the car as any other podcast with icons and metadata.

I tested and it works fine under Android Auto also, with icons in the podcast and the episodes.
