Announcing version 2.0.0 (Communication/Press - add your suggestions!)

Thanks a lot for these improvements! Just one minor thing I’m not sure about. The new headline:

The free Android podcasting app, AntennaPod, launches a major new version

Like this we either assume the reader knows AP already, or imply that AP is the only free podcasting app for android. ‘app’ here is the main noun here.

I think I prefer it without the commas, where the whole phrase ‘the free Android podcasting app’ is just a descriptor for ‘AntennaPod’ (which then is the main noun).

Also I would remove ‘the’ and ‘a’ as to make it shorter, more press-release-like. So basically revert it to what it was.

How would you feel about this?

Just a quick comment from me : I would drop at the beginning the “today” (on Google play).
I think there is no use to point out when it has been released. Besides 2.0 has already been published outside beta. (Unless I am mistaken?)

All in all nice wrap up, I think it’s not easy to do. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Well, I was correcting it for proper English.

I agree with your point about implying that AP is the only free podcasting app, which really is not true.

Although, I respectfully disagree with you about reverting it back to the way it was. Not only are the commas correct English, but they indicate that statement is describing AP.

I also feel that removing the articles (“the” & “a”) makes it less professional and less thought through. It’s also improper English. So all in all, I would disagree with this decision.

However, I’m just a user of the app and not part of your team. So please make the decision that you feel is best.

The point that @Matth78 messages about dropping the “today” is a good one.

Thanks @tenkara_vt and @Matth78 for your replies!

Let me start with saying that I don’t care so much about how I feel about this change. I just want to get a good press release :slight_smile: In Dutch cutting these words like ‘the’ and ‘a’ - while weird (even incorrect, really) in regular text - I feel is quite normal for press release headlines. But I don’t know whether the same holds true in English.

Trying to find something on the ‘a’ and ‘the’ in headlines in English, I came across this tool: Sharethrough Headline Analyzer. Our headline doesn’t get a great score. Not that this is the ultimate indicator of success, but it did make me think: should we change it to include something about the changes? Maybe focus on the fact that the new brand was community-voted? The question that we need to answer: what would a tech journalist be most interested in reading about further, what makes this thing unique? Some ideas below. Your ideas & comments are very welcome!

  • Free Android podcasting app AntennaPod launches a major new version with friendlier user interface and a range of new features

  • AntennaPod launches a major new version of its free podcasting app for Android, introducing a completely new brand, a friendlier user interface and a range of new features

  • AntennaPod rebrands its free podcasting app for Android: a major new version sees a friendlier user interface and a range of new features

  • The AntennaPod team rebrands its free Android podcasting app, launching a major new version with a friendlier interface and a range of new features

  • With help from over 20 volunteers the AntennaPod team releases a major new version of its Android podcasting app with a new brand and many frequently requested features

About the 'today’
Version 2.0.1 is currently released to 20% of the Google Play users. New downloads will still be 1.8.1 (also on F-Droid). The day we hit 100%, new downloads will be 2.0.1 (or a later point release if necessary). At that point we’ll also be available on F-Droid.

I feel that keeping ‘today’ is beneficial to our press release; it adds a sense of urgency/relevance. ‘Today’, then, would be the day we hit 100%, because that would be the point where people interested in AP after reading an article can actually download it. On the other hand: we might also send out the press release just before - and I guess in that case ‘today’ doesn’t apply (a journalist downloading the app for review would still get 1.8.1).

I like the first one as a title because :

  • it informs that AntennaPod is free
  • and that a major new version is released

=> In my opinion it’s the most important.

What about :

  • changing launches with releases
  • using “a bunch of new features” instead of a range. It sounds nicer to me but I’m not a native speaker.
  • and adding after features : “and many improvements”.

To sum it up with my suggested modifications :

  • Free Android podcasting app AntennaPod releases a major new version with friendlier user interface, a bunch of new features and many improvements

A last note from me : in all suggestions mentioning that it’s an android app can be let out IMHO. It would be better to write it in article body.
I assume most people knowing what is a podcast would expect an app to be for their phone.

Thanks - I agree with going with the first, replacing ‘launches’ with ‘releases’.
‘bunch’ sounds too informal for a press release, so I say we stick to ‘a range’. ‘Android’ I would keep - while it’s clear it’s for a phone, it might have been for Apple. We could add ‘and improvements’, but I feel it gets just a little too long (and improvements aren’t really newsworthy - they are very common). Then we get:

The free Android podcasting app AntennaPod releases a major new version with a friendlier user interface and a range of new features


Latest update on the release date: we’ll be at 100% on Tuesday morning. So we can send out the release then as well.

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The release is already out. I’m surprised the announcement isn’t here.

Hi @Podder,

The release has only been out to 100% of the users (and thus available for download by new users) since a couple of hours. Plus, we’re all volunteers so we aren’t always to follow up immediately :wink:

That said, since the roll-out now is 100% and the emails to accompany the press release are ready in English, French and German, I’ll start sending out everything in 40 minutes or so, during my lunch break from work.

Is the press release going to be on the official site or here on the forum?

Neither, we’re sending it out to relevant (online) media. If you still have a suggestion for an Android, tech, or Open Source-related blog or news site, you can still send it to me/share it here :slight_smile:
Once the new site is up, we might publish it also there, but that will take another month or so.

Hi all,

Just an update that we’ve sent press releases to most of the outlets on the list, yesterday. Just sharing here the final version that we attached, if anyone’s interested:
AntennaPod releases major new version.pdf (179.3 KB)

Outlets we reached out to
Country Name
DE Computer Bild
DE connect
DE Giga
DE Chip
DE t3n
DE Netzwelt
FR Info24Android
FR Tom’s Guide
FR PhonAndroid
FR Frandroid
NL WebWijzer
NL Android Planet
NL/BE AndroidWorld
NL/BE Tweakers
Late Night Linux
Linux Unplugged
Android Police
Android Authority
Android Central
Review Geek
Joy of Android

A big big thanks to @tenkara_vt and @Matth78 for helping with the press release, much appreciated! Now fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: that it gets picked up :laughing: (if anyone does see us in the press anywhere, do share it!)

On a related note: we’re already a big hit on Reddit (1.1k upvotes at the time of writing - go and chip in if you’re on Reddit).


We already have some coverage :slight_smile:


And some more coverage:


Brilliant work and congratulations! :tada:


More coverage about the 2.0 update:


And a new hit from Google Alerts (though, strictly speaking, not covering the 2.0 release):

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It was also briefly mentioned on the newest episode (#101) of Late Night Linux. Although, whilst they did recommend people check out the app, I would say that the mention was very indifferent towards AP. The host felt the changes were only minor. Obviously, he didn’t look at the app. :man_facepalming:t4:

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Thanks @tenkara_vt. I guess every bit helps :stuck_out_tongue: And ‘a decent update’ and ‘worth recommending to anyone using Android’ are compliments I can live with :wink: