AntennaPod Hackathon!

Dear all, and active contributors in particular :slight_smile:

I was thinking it would be great if we could organise an AntennaPod Hackathon. Meaning: we all go online around the same time, work on a bunch of things at the same time, so we can ask each-other questions, test, give feedback, etc.

And then, at the end, maybe have a new release with some cool features and communication materials ready.

That way we can all clearly see the impact of our work and get things done efficiently & effectively :slight_smile:

It would be great if we could - for those that want to join - also have a (Jitsi / Big Blue Button) call, to learn about the people behind the avatars and discuss our ideas.

Old timezone poll

To that end, I’ve added a poll to see where folks are from, in terms of time zone.

[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
  • UTC -8 to -3 (Americas)
  • UTC -1 to +2 (Europe & most Africa)
  • UTC +3 to +5 (West Russia, Middle East, East Africa)
  • UTC +6 to +10 (Asia, Oceania)
[/ [poll ]

Hope there’s some interest for this! If so, I’d be happy to hear if you folks have any particular ideas for a hackathon (what, and how long). And I can set up another poll to then to determine the date(s).


Kick-off meeting event
Kick-off meeting date & time selection

Vote here!

Hackathon interest form

@ByteHamster @tonytamsf @ueen @Matth78 @Taco @peakvalleytech
(and anyone else who’d like to jump in!)

Well I have my PRs with SwipeActions, Inbox/unified Episodes and HomeScreen, id say they’re mostly done and just need some tweaks (eg. swipe action icons and color)
If this can speed up the feedback loop I’m more than happy to participate if I can make the time :slight_smile:

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I don’t know what to think about it.
I think it’s a good idea but I don’t know about using voice as it may quickly become difficult if everyone want to speak. Concerning myself I don’t think I have much to say. :-/ (And you didn’t hear my pronunciation :pensive::sweat_smile:)

What about doing it on the forum with a set of questions for everybody to reply. Like what main feature is missing, what should be the priority and so on.
But it really all depends on what developers want to do.

The great thing of meeting digitally, is that it’s synchronous. If moderated well, not everybody is speaking at the same time, and the discussion should not be complicated to follow. I have some experience with this through work, so I hope it will be ok :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, I can totally understand it if you prefer not to speak up. At work for bigger meetings we always appoint someone who keeps an eye of the chat and brings up any point made there - that works really well. That way you could participate ‘live’ also :slight_smile:

This might be a good idea regardless, in preparation of the whole thing :slight_smile:

And another great idea for something we could do during the ‘hackathon’:

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I think that’s actually the most interesting thing to do :slight_smile: I really like the F-Droid meeting on the C3 congress because it allows for getting to know the other humans that you have only interacted with on GitHub before.

Sorry, I will try to have a look soon. I am just rather busy currently, that’s why I am less active in the last 2-3 months than before.

Hey, no worries, you’re probably right that’s not that bad if some major UI/UX enhancements are spaced out over time so people can adjust.
Meanwhile I can already use and enjoy it, while testing and improving the new features :slight_smile:

Back to topic: maybe we can think about a date, so we can plan a little bit ahead (like I have a major exam coming up and need to manage my time a little :smiley: )

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@keunes I love the idea and would love to meet and chat with the contributors and work on a few big ideas together.

We have done hackathons in the past, it can last 24 hours or 48 hours, but the code is usually throw out, but the demoing a new idea was the key.

I am also up for a bug bash of fixing long standing issues.

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Yeah, I was thinking of picking a weekend or so, like 48 hours in any case, and kick it off with a sync meeting.


Any idea of how to go about that? Will it just be a side-effect of meeting, or should we schedule some time for introductions?

I would consider it to be more a sprint or bug bash than a hackathon - so the code should not be thrown away afterwards :slight_smile:

At the F-Droid meeting, everyone just said their name and 2-3 sentences about what they do. Not really much. Then we directly started discussing the topics.


Ok, great. So what we’d have on the agenda so far:

  • general meeting with
    • quick introduction round
    • discussions on what?
  • bug bashing of long-standing issues
  • late spring cleaning of outdated/support issues on GH (& make ‘issue template’ for support & FR on forum)
  • develop & test some new features
  • releasing a new version! :slight_smile:

What I would love to do, but I don’t know how you folks feel about this, is getting in touch with the Podcasting 2.0 movement, to see if there are some people that want to join in and help with implementation on that front. I’m sure that if we announce this, we can get some attention that might bring one or two interested contributors to the party.

In preparation we can already here on the forum have a discussion, e.g. on what to prioritise (e.g. list of most important bugs to fix; most important features to implement). So the discussion can focus on the what rather than the how.

Then, about the date: is there agreement on doing it in a whole weekend, where we have collective start?

I think it’d be helpful to set a quick poll to find the best suitable weekend. But what should we include in the poll? The months July & August?

For me rather July than August

That’s usually less spectacular than it might sound. We could change the roll-out percentage from 0% to 5% or something like that :smiley:

If would be good to spend some time prepping for what we we would work on during the 2 days.

some ideas:

We should set a goal around looking at the most voted, most discussed issues and either fixing and testing them during the hackathon, or closing them during the hackathon.

We can also open up a voting for users to tell us the top 1 feature they want us to work on? We can show them the existing issues, tag them as hackathon-2021, and have them take 2 weeks to vote? The top vote getters, we would consider for the 2 days?

We can also have the 2-3 most experienced coders work on the new home screen or the explore, user tagging features.

In my experience, when hacking, having people together makes the code reviewing faster and iteration on a working code much faster. The code quality usually gets cleaned up later on the final release after the hackathon.


Voting sounds like fun idea!

For the home screen check out my PR here would be interested in what you think :slight_smile:

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Let’s start every weekend in July, August, Sept as a poll and see where we can find a common time. is a good scheduling site as well if you wanted something fancy

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I propose we have another agenda where new contributors can come and we can help them setup their dev environment for AntennaPod. We can help them with a good_first_issue and point them to how to navigate the code to find where to fix the issue.

The outcome would be to increase the number of first contributors.

We can do this in a 2 hour block, like an open office hour for new contributors.


Doodle is good, but how about some open source software?
Found (looks really nice)
or (seems popular)

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