Sadly, my current phone is falling to pieces and in need of replacement. While trying to decide which one to get, a lot is suggesting the AGM M7 could be right for me. The main question is, would it be powerful enough for AntennaPod?
App version: Preferably the latest
Android version: 8.1 (Heavily stripped by AGM)
Device model: AGM M7
Desired behaviour: Usable AntennaPod
Current behaviour: Unknown
I welcome any comments which could bring me some insight on whether attempting to run AntennaPod on such a limited device is a horrible, or merely a bad idea.
Environment: I’m a laptop person, without the need to update social media while out and up on my feet. I consider a phone best used primarily for calling, occasionally for texting and also for podcast listening. That last part, which honestly is my major use, is only due to the fact that carrying multiple headphones would be a pain. The only apps I ever use are AntennaPod and a tiny personal one I’ve written myself.
The perfect phone for me seems to be the above mentioned one. It’s a device with a proper keypad, and a user interface which seems close to as useful as most phones used to have a decade or two ago. It was released as recently as this year, and does run a stripped down version of android.
Unfortunately the hardware specs are also a bit stripped down, and its 1 GiB of ram might be on the low side. I’ve tried examining the numbers though, and it seems using AntennaPod on this memory poor device should be possible.
At 37:53 in this review by SMOOREZ we see that at least 462 MiB of ram should be available for user apps. Is that enough for AntennaPod? (This hour long video also shows that side-loading apk:s work even though google services is stripped out of the platform.)
My current AntennaPod.db is currently 93 MiB, which admittedly is a significant portion of that amount. While examining the numbers for the de.danoeh.antennapod-process, ps
shows 779664 KiB for VSZ and 123784 KiB for RSS during playback.
Memory usage on android is a bit of a mystery for me, but I understand it should be heavy on using mmap()
and that the actual memory requirement might be closer to RSS than VSZ.
I understand extreme resource minimization is probably not a goal for AP, and that the decision and consequences of which device to buy is entirely mine. Yet I ask; How bad of an idea would you think it is to attempt to run AP on an AGM M7? Is there anything except for memory which might be a severely limiting factor?