Auto-Download only the episodes added to "Queue"

Running app v3.3.2 from the Google Play Store.

I’d like to request a feature that allows the app to auto-download podcast episodes that are added to the queue, and only those that are added to the queue. I like to download episodes so they don’t buffer, but I also sub to a lot of shows that I don’t often listen to.

If there’s already a feature like this please let me know as I couldn’t find anything to fit the bill.


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So effectively you are asking for the reverse of the current functionality which automatically adds downloaded episodes to the queue, correct?


That actually makes sense. App-suggested flow that I adopted is to use Inbox view and sort incoming new episodes. Makes sense to auto-download only those episodes that I’ve added to the queue as a result of this sorting.


Sounds like it? Yea, I just want the episodes I’ve added to my queue to be auto-downloaded.

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Seems like something that should be user selected, so maybe a toggle or something to indicate whether it should work like it does currently (the way I described it) or the reverse.

I can see the benefit to both based on your use case and how many podcasts you subscribe to. Personally I listen to 10-12 depending on the week so I don’t use Inbox at all, I just have everything automatically download and go into the queue and then if I want to listen to them in a different order I just drag them around.

Like you, I want to avoid buffering so I download the episodes I want.

From the Inbox I click the Download button next to episodes I want, which immediately downloads them and moves them to the Queue. Are you asking for something different?

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One subtle difference is when you want to download episode(s) and not want them added to the queue as you want to have them on hand to listen to but at some later time yet to be decided.

I didn’t realize that manually downloading an episode automatically adds it to the queue. That’s actually perfect.

I like scrolling through the episodes each morning and adding the episodes I want to listen to to my queue. I set the swipe action to download.

Think I’m all set now, thanks all.


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