Auto resume

How can I enable auto resume on Android? I have version 3.4.1 of Antennapod. I want audio to resume after a phone call ends. Cannot find the setting for it!

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If I’m not mistaken, it should automatically do that. In the settings, you can choose only between ‘pause’ and ‘lower volume’:

However, it’s always possible that this doesn’t work. Can you please tell us your phone make & model?

You might also want to have a look at the suggestions on If your phone call was long, AntennaPod might have been killed by Android.

As @keunes observes, no setting is required. That said, many people (including myself) have observed that AntennaPod won’t resume if the interruption (such as a phone call) takes more than 30 seconds.

This was originally believed to be related to Bluetooth or certain peripherals, but it turns out it can happen when just using the phone directly. I don’t know if this is an Android issue, an AntennaPod issue, or something else.

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