Automatically delete old downloads

App version: x.y.z (state whether from Google Play/F-Droid/Custom built APK)
2.7.1 (d5f0ef244)

Problem you may be having, or feature you want:
I often forget to delete episodes after listening to them and they fill up my phone. Almost all of my podcasts have ads at the end and therefore do not count as finished for the existing Auto delete feature.

Suggested solution:
Please consider an option to delete all downloads after an interval. For example: Automatically delete all downloads when they are 7 days old.

Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details:

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You can use “smart mark as played” to auto-delete them even if not fully played

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You’re quite right; that would certainly be an alternate solution: If the “Smart mark” feature had one final option like “When played for any amount of time” so that I can listen to the first half of a podcast then move on and it will still auto-delete.

Thank you for the reply.

Is there a “smart mask” feature or another feature that allows for auto-delete even if an episode has not played?

Yes, if you use automatic download. Then it can automatically clean up old episodes (even unplayed) when downloading new ones.

Thank you for the quick reply, work contributed, and explanation!

In relation to smart marking, do episodes count as completed if the podcast is set to skip x seconds at the end and the skip point is reached? To me this is preferable to setting a global smart marking.

Also. I would like a (user defined) delayed auto-delete-on-completion. I occasionally decide I would like to keep an episode but am unable to mark it as a favourite while it’s playing. Should I post this as a new request?
