Backup with Android-Backup&Google Drive

App version: x.y.z (state whether from Google Play/F-Droid/Custom built APK)
3.6.0 F-Droid

Problem you may be having, or feature you want:
My Phone Crashed and alongside the AntennaPod Subscriptions and the downloaded episodes vanished to thin air

Suggested solution:
Make regular backups of the DB&Episodes via Androids builtin api for AndroidBackup & Google Drive so that the damage is reduced.

Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details:

ooo, that’s painful. Sorry to hear of your loss. :frowning_face:

I do have Automatic database export enabled and plant the backup into a directory that regularly gets moved to a cloud drive via another app.

I have a couple apps that function this way. I thought there are size limits with the Android backup service that the typical size of an AntennaPod database might hit.


On my phone I almost do the same as @andbenn
What I do is that all my backups are in a folder synced on my PC using syncthing. The folder on my PC is backed up on a cloud drive.
It does need to turn your PC on (I do to watch videos) and it isn’t immediately synced if PC is not on but I don’t need it to.

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Like @Matth78 I also use SyncThing but for some other users.

Just a note that the dev who had been making the Android SyncThing app recently gave up. APKs from his github can be sideloaded.

Syncthing-fork is in FDroid and probably the APK is available for sideloading.