Being able to mark chapters for auto-skip within the chapter queue


Being able to mark chapters for skipping.


I never even thought of that. This would be great. Ideally, the user would be able to specify either an include- or exclude-range of comma-delimited chapter names and/or ordinal chapter numbers. Maybe even more usefully, an ability to skip based on length, as the shortest chapters are very likely to be ads.

I actually really like this idea, it would work really well for podcasts that follow a specific format and even to skip ads from those kind enough to add the ad sections to the chapters

This is also covered here: Feature Request: Mark chapters for skipping. · Issue #5924 · AntennaPod/AntennaPod · GitHub


Honestly, I feel that turning the chapters into a sort of mini queue would be nice. Swiping chapters to remove them from queue (probably an undo/restore button somewhere lol)

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