Bottom navigation feedback

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this - but it’s the right subject and the right audience!

I am now using the Beta of the release (3/7.0-beta3). The “Bottom Navigation” is a good feature but it excludes a function I (and probably others) use frequently - the side subscription list. I turned it on under “Drawer Preferences” (shown as “Customize na…” under “More” - BTW this should be made consistent), and it is neither shown nor made live as the side menu indicator at the top is not there when the bottom navigation is on. Therefore if I wish to go to the subscription list I have to turn off the new feature.

FYI - As a long (long, long) time user (and a very happy one), I find that the screens (other than the individual episode screen and shownotes) I use are: “Queue”, which is my default go-to 98% of the time; “Subscription List” (1.5% of the time); and “Settings” and “Add Podcast” as needed.

I moved this to a new topic.

Why do you need the side subscriptions list when there is the main subscriptions list that you can reach in the same number of taps with bottom navigation?

Hi @ByteHamster - thanks for writing back so quick!

Yes - that’s exactly the problem - even though I choose the subscription list it doesn’t show up in the bottom navigation. See the attached screenshots.


That is intended. It is supported in the side menu only.

Yes - but there is no selection bar in the upper left to get the side menu when the bottom navigation is on!

But you can’t get to it via the bottom navigation!

You seem to have hidden your Subscriptions screen. Try dragging it to where you currently have the Subscriptions list in your Drawer preferences.

(Bottom navigation and side menu are alternative - you can’t use both at the same time).

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How do you do, @loucasal

BINGO - it works - thanks - the problem was that subscriptions were not listed under “Hidden” when “Drawer Preferences” was accessed via the Bottom Navigation (see the screenshot above), but was when I accessed it through Settings! I now can see Subscriptions however I do prefer the list format. Therefore Bottom Navigation is not for me (although I like it) - I’ll stay with the side menu.

However there is still a minor bug, that all the options available for bottom navigation are not visible when the preferences are accessed via “More” in the bottom navigation.

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)!

When using a large font size, you have to scroll to see all items.

You can change the subscriptions screen to a list

Right you are (as always), @ByteHamster - Good catch!

Mea Culpa! Same situation as my previous “complaint” of 3.6.0-beta3 Share File My old tired eyes needing a larger font strikes again!

Another “problem” solved. May they all be so easy!

Thanks again.

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