Bring Back the refresh button

I came here from Further home screen improvements - #26 by Listener and I have exactly the same issue:


I explained it here:

In general I operate only in Queue view (first item in the sidebar, app open in Queue). I have a couple of podcasts with auto-download and those are priority to listen. If/when I’m done with them I add items from other podcasts. Sometimes I’m swamped with other stuff and can’t be up-to-date with those auto-podcasts and they accumulate.

And due to lack of stop-after-current I have reversed view (so the oldest episodes on the bottom) thus I’m mostly at the end of the list which makes pull-to-refresh utterly inconvenient.

I don’t remember what was there before but I do remember update button being there. Now there is only search button which (for me, huge IMHO) is completely useless as I have absolutely never ever tapped on it or used search, like never ever :smiley: