App version: 3.5.0 (300baf6dd) (can’t remember where I got it originally, but this version was auto-updated by the app)
Problem you may be having, or feature you want:
AP auto-updated itself recently, and ever since then the multi-select context menu has been horizontal, which is completely different from all the other context menus which are vertical.
Can this please, please, please, PLEASE be reversed? Or at least added as an option in the settings? The vertical context menu is so much easier to use, and it’s a real pain to have one menu that acts differently from all the others…
Why was the old menu easier to use for you? The old one needs a additional click to open, while the new one directly shows the actions. (Note that there will be additional changes to the menu in AntennaPod 3.6, which is currently starting to roll out as a beta)
The vertical one is easier mainly because all of it shows the vast majority of the time (since the screen is also vertical). I’m always scrolling back and forth with the horizontal one whereas I was a lot quicker with the vertical one.
Also, and I’m not 100% sure about this because I can’t go back and do a comparison, but I think the horizontal one isn’t as smart about what items it contains as the vertical one used to be. For example, let’s say I’m in the folder of one of my subscriptions. I get into multi-select mode, and one of the items in the context menu is “Remove from Inbox”. I say what??? It’s not in the Inbox! It’s in the subscription’s folder. Another one is “Remove from Queue”. Again, it’s not in the Queue. All of this means that it takes longer for me to find the item that I actually want, so it’s a lot slower – and more anxious. I’m always thinking that perhaps I’ll choose the wrong item and lose the damn podcast.
The vertical context menu was much more reliable and quick for me to use, and if it was offered in the settings I’d go back to it in a heartbeat.
Now that I’ve explained why I prefer it, could you explain why you’ve moved to the horizontal one and most especially why there is exactly one (I hope!) horizontal menu in the entire app?
PS: I adore AP, don’t get me wrong – I even tried to donate money a while back, and found that it’s not possible. It’s a great app and it hurts to see it taking a huge leap backwards in its UI.
The vertical one always showed all options, so it was not smart either. Starting with AntennaPod 3.6.0, the horizontal menu is smart and only shows relevant options.