Is possible to delete created tags, I cant find how can I do it. Only to rename not more option.
Is possible to delete created tags, I cant find how can I do it. Only to rename not more option.
You need to individually remove each podcast from the tag, Tag management does look like an area that could benefit from some work such as allowing multiselect options to add or remove a tag to a selection of podcasts.
You can manage tags using multi-select
So you can. Not used multiselect on the Subscriptions screen before. Need to scroll along the list of options on the bottom which not something I had noticed before.
No , There is no option to delete or multiselection tag , only to rename.
I think have an option to delete tags is necesary for not to have trash with you change your preferences or like me that I created a lot of tags and never use them and I would like to delete them
Go to the Tag screen listing all included podcasts
Press and hold one of the podcast icons
From the drop-down menu that should pop up tap on multiselect
Tap the icon top right to select all podcasts
Scroll along the option bar at the bottom to find the Edit tags option
Tap the delete button (trash can icon)
That will remove the tag from all the podcasts and thence “delete” the tag - it will no longer be displayed.
Yes, that´s works deleting the tag in every item of the tag , the tag dissapear.
It’s really a hard job if you want to delete a lot of tags but it really works.
Thanks very much
I filed this as a feature request on the development platform: Allow deleting tags by long-pressing · Issue #7498 · AntennaPod/AntennaPod · GitHub
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