Easily download playing episode

Maybe there is, but I haven’t found a way to easily download the currently playing episode.
This is something I often need (when I’m about to loose network for instance)
Maybe a simple way to go to the details page of the currently playing episode could help (again, maybe there is a way, but I was not able to find it yet)

I just tried this and it worked fine:

  1. Click on episode in InBox
  2. Click Stream button and episode starts playing
  3. Download button is available in both the Queue view and the episode itself
  4. I clicked the Download button from within the episode, it downloaded, and the Download button changed to a Delete button

If you’re not seeing this you may want to check your button options.

Trouble is it is difficult to find the playing episode in the queue view. Mine has tons of episodes, and I haven’t found a way to jump to the playing episode in the queue.
Actually, that is maybe more what the issue is: how does one find the playing episode in various lists, particularly in the queue one?
Because the episode view cannot be reached from the player, only from a list…

I can appreciate that, since I used to keep a lot of items in my queue as well. Now I leave things in the Inbox until I expect to be listening to them soon, at which time I click the Download button. That both downloads the episode and moves it to the queue, and frees me from wondering whether I’ll have streaming issues due to connectivity. The only time that I stream an episode is if I’m on Wi-Fi and don’t plan to be going anywhere before it’s finished.

In my case the playing episode is at or near the bottom of the queue. That’s especially true if I’m streaming it, since when I click the Stream button the episode automatically goes to the end of the list and starts playing. If I should change my mind and decide to download it, it’s at the bottom of the queue, and of course it’s at the bottom of the screen from any list if it’s currently playing.