Just started using Antennapod, coming from PocketCasts and enjoying it so far, but I’m having a lot of trouble adding a specific series of episodes from a podcast to my queue using the Search function, which is sometimes the only convenient way to find all episodes of a specific type, and make sure I’ve found all of them. As is, I need to use the contextual menu on each individual search result, which takes a super long time, especially when adding a large quantity of episodes.
The issue is that the “Add to Queue” function seems to be missing from the bottom menu when using multiselect with the Search function specifically. Only the “Download” and “Mark as Unplayed” appear on the menu. It works fine using multiselect on the base podcast.
If possible, I’d suggest enabling all functionality in the Search menu that is available in when looking at the base podcast, such add “Add to Queue” and swiping on episodes.
Thank you for your time!