Episodes not streaming, always downloading

App version: 3.5.0 (300baf6dd) from Google Play

Android version: 15 (Google stock OS)

Device model: Pixel 8

Expected behaviour: Not download episodes of a subscription that has disabled auto-downloads.

Current behaviour: Episodes are being downloaded.

First occurred: 1 week ago (since starting to use app)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In global settings, enable automatic download
  2. Set “New episodes action” to “Add to queue”
  3. Subscribe to a podcast. In podcast settings, disable “Include in auto downloads”
  4. Wait for new episode to be published.
  5. See it being downloaded.

Playback → Prefer streaming enabled
Playback → Enqueue downloaded enabled
Downloads → New episodes action → Add to queue
Downloads → Automatic download → Episode limit → 25
Subscriptions → Podcast → Auto download settings → Include in auto downloads disabled

Can someone please advice if this is a bug, or is there something wrong with my settings here?

Expected behavior:

  • I would like some podcasts to be never downloaded, but new episodes to be added to the queue and available for streaming.
  • For other podcasts, I would like all new episodes to be downloaded and be added to the queue.

I am trying to enable automatic downloads in global settings, and overriding/disabling that for individual podcast subscriptions. But new episodes from both sets are being downloaded.

I’ve found a workaround.

  • Set “New episodes action” to “Add to Inbox” and not “Add to queue”
  • This downloads only the expected episodes (and rest can be streamed).
    However, now I have to add the episodes from the inbox to the queue manually.

It still seems like a bug that all new episodes cannot automatically be added to the queue, some that are downloaded and some that will only be streamed. Haven’t received any feedback here, but I’m happy to start a bug report.

Automatic downloads currently only work if you set the “new episode action” to “add to inbox”. AntennaPod auto-downloads episodes in the queue (under some circumstances). We are currently in the process of rewriting auto-download to make it easier to understand.