Episodes with identical names not displayed separately?

App version: 2.7.1 (via Google Play)

Android version: LineageOS 18 (corresponds to Android 11)

Device model: Pocophone F1

Expected behaviour: Episodes within a feed should be displayed separately in the inbox, even if they have identlical names.

Current behaviour: Best demonstrated by the following example: German public radio Deutschlandfunk releases two editions of its German press review (“Presseschau”) per day, one (shorter) at 5.35 am, one (longer) at 7.05 am.

When I refresh my inbox at 7.00 am, the first (shorter) episode is displayed, as expected.

When I refresh again at 8.00 am, I still see one Presseschau episode, but with a file size increased to 8.6 MB. (Strangely enough, the duration of the episode remains unchanged…)
[Unfortunately, new users can post only one screenshot per post, so you’ll have to do with my description…]

If I play the episode, it is indeed the second (longer) edition, as indicated by the increased file size.

Looking into the Deutschlandfunk app, you can see that there are indeed two separate episodes. [Again, no screenshot, sorry for that.]

I assume that AntennaPod treats the second episode as a sort of “re-upload” of the first due to the fact that they have the same publishing date and the same episode title. In the scenario shown above, this is obviously not the wanted behaviour. On the other hand, you could imagine the broadcaster actually re-uploading an episode, e. g. due to an error in the original file – in this case, you would (correctly) only have the newer entry in your inbox.

I am actually not sure who to address on this topic – you could argue it is not a good idea to publish different episodes of your podcast with identical names, so maybe Deutschlandfunk is to blame? (To complete the confusion, they sometimes rename the episodes already issued in the course of the day, which in turn does not lead to new episodes in the inbox.)

It would be great if someone who knows about things “under the hood” could explain why they opted for the current behaviour. (If I’m not totally wrong, this was handled differently in the past!?)

First occurred: Hard to tell… I first noticed there were episodes “missing” maybe two months ago but didn’t realize they were actually “overwritten” until recently.

No, that is not the case, AntennaPod doesn’t ignore duplicate episodes, it shows you exactly what’s in the RSS feed.

You didn’t provide the feed URL, but I think I found it: Presseschau, is this correct?

Looking at this feed, there is only one episode named Presseschau per day. It seems that the people managing this podcast feed are deleting the shorter episode and replacing it with the longer one, which is why you are seeing AntennaPod show only the longer episode. It is behaving as expected, showing you exactly what is in the RSS feed.

I cannot explain why both episodes are showing up in their app. You may wish to email the producers of this podcast and ask why the shorter episode is being deleted from their feed every day.

Thank you for your quick response, @terminalmage .

BTW: Do you know how long it takes to lose the “newbie” status? It would help lots if I could include more than one screenshot per post…

Yes, this is the correct feed.

I’m not absolutely sure about that. This is my inbox updated after the second (longer) episode was issued:

I didn’t swipe away any episodes, just refreshed. Note that the duration still corresponds to the shorter episode while the file size belongs to the longer one.

Exactly 18 seconds after that, I took a screenshot from the Deutschlandfunk app:

I think we can safely assume that the content is based on the very same feed. (I didn’t take a screenshot of the feed’s xml itself, but I could try tomorrow.)
So there are actually two distinct episodes which can both be played, while in AntennaPod, the first episode seems to be “masked” by the second.

Yesterday afternoon, I took yet another screenshot from the Deutschlandfunk app:

This is the situation which is still valid today: The longer episode seems to have been renamed. (If the old episode named “Presseschau” had been deleted and a new one named “18. Oktober 2022 - Die Presseschau aus deutschen Zeitungen” had been released instead, this would have triggered a new episode in AntennaPod also, wouldn’t it?)

Additional observation: Today’s two episodes had different names from the start – they both showed up neatly separated in AntennaPod… So if Deutschlandfunk improved their naming habits there would be no problem at all. (One could at least try and propose it to them, they are usually quite responsive to their listeners.) But I’m still puzzled about the behaviour of AntennaPod in this case.

@Dirk Thanks for the more thorough description.

@ByteHamster It seems like feed updates are not correctly updating the DB in this weird corner case.

Here are the RSS entries for the two episodes, directly from the feed. The first one is the newer episode, the second is the older one.

  <title>18. Oktober 2022 - Die Presseschau aus deutschen Zeitungen</title>
  <link>https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/die-presseschau-aus-deutschen-zeitungen-6670.html</link>                                                                                                                       <description>
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/d90fd965-2f0f-4944-bd5a-c0ca662b4bc1/2400x1350.jpg?t=1658234277915" alt="Aus dem Kühlturm eines Atomkraftwerks steigt weißer Dampf auf. Der Kühlturm spiegelt sich im Wasser. " title="Aus dem Kühlturm eines Atomkraftwerks steigt weißer Dampf auf. Der Kühlturm spiegelt sich im Wasser. "
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/>Im Mittelpunkt der Kommentare steht die Entscheidung von Bundeskanzler Scholz, die drei verbliebenen Kernkraftwerke bis April nächsten Jahres weiter in Betrieb zu lassen. Weitere Themen sind die Verschlechterung der Kompetenzen von Grundschülern sowie die neuen EU-Sanktionen gegen den Iran. Doch zunächst zum Streit in der Ampel-Koalition über die Atomkraftwerke. Für den MÜNCHNER MERKUR kommt die Anordnung des Kanzlers zu spät:<br clear="all"/><br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/18/presseschau_dlf_20221018_0704_df7aff1d.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Tue, 18 Oct 2022 07:04:55 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/18/presseschau_dlf_20221018_0704_df7aff1d.mp3" length="8608384" type="audio/mpeg" />
  <itunes:author>Deutschlandfunk-Nachrichtenredaktion</itunes:author>                                                                                                                                                 <itunes:duration>08:58</itunes:duration>
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_0b284b71%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/FALLBACK-IMAGE-AUDIO/2400x1350.png?t=1603714364673" alt="Audio Fallback" title="Audio Fallback"
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/><br clear="all"/><br/>Deutschlandfunk-Nachrichtenredaktion<br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/18/presseschau_dlf_20221018_0534_0b284b71.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <guid>https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/18/presseschau_dlf_20221018_0534_0b284b71.mp3</guid>                                                                                                            <pubDate>Tue, 18 Oct 2022 05:34:35 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/18/presseschau_dlf_20221018_0534_0b284b71.mp3" length="4803712" type="audio/mpeg" />
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_97f02ad5%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->

Based on @Dirk’s report, the following is happening:

  1. A morning episode titled Presseschau is posted.
  2. A while later, a second episode, also titled Presseschau, is added.
  3. Several hours later, the second episode’s title is renamed. (The RSS above reflects this rename)

But if you look at the screenshot from this reply, it appears that the entry (presumably displaying info from the FeedMedia table?) contains the filesize from the newer episode, but the duration from the original episode.

AntennaPod does ignore duplicates. While there are a few publishers wo properly manage their feed, most publishers don’t. In order to avoid users seeing old versions of the same episode that no longer work, we filter out duplicates and assume that episodes with the same title, date, and a similar duration refer to the same episode. So we have to break some valid feeds in order to work around the huge mess that other feeds make.

Do they rename it properly (keeping the same GUID) or do they publish a new episode with a new GUID that we somehow need to match with the existing ones?

1 Like

Thank you for the clarification – this is what I roughly imagined to be happening internally. (Can you confirm that this behaviour is relatively new? IIRC, several versions of a single episodes would show up in earlier releases of AntennaPod.)

I can see that it is really difficult (if at all possible) to decide if two items in the feed represent the same episode based on metadata only. In case of doubt, I would prefer seeing some duplicates over not seeing episodes that are accidentally “masked” by newer ones, but this is probably a matter of taste…

I’ll try to monitor the feed and find out about that tomorrow. Let’s hope Deutschlandfunk maintain their sloppy naming habits for a while, for the sake of science :wink:

1 Like

Ah! I have seen same-titled episodes in AntennaPod before, but they must have had different enough sizes/dates not to be identified as duplicates of each other. Thanks for correcting me on this.

This I don’t know. I checked after 4pm CEST, well after the time the feed was updated. I’ll set up a tasker event to pull down a copy of the feed after it is posted.

1 Like

Yeah, it is relatively new. I think I added the first version somewhere around summer 2021 when quite may people complained about duplicates. Since then, the heuristic has seen a few tweaks to make detection more reliable (eg checking media type - some feeds have audio+video versions of the same episode where all other attributes are the same. Those should not be filtered).

At least my feeling is that the number of users affected by de-duplication breaking valid feeds is lower than the number of users that would be affected by duplicates from invalid feeds. There are so many broken feeds out there… :frowning:

Maybe we can find a way to tweak the heuristic (only if the publishers use their GUIDs properly, let’s see).

Here is an example of the two same-name entries:

    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/FALLBACK-IMAGE-AUDIO/2400x1350.png?t=1603714364673" alt="Audio Fallback" title="Audio Fallback"
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/><br clear="all"/><br/>Deutschlandfunk-Nachrichtenredaktion<br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0534_417554dc.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Thu, 20 Oct 2022 05:34:56 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0534_417554dc.mp3" length="4941952" type="audio/mpeg" />
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_8d3d06c1%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/FALLBACK-IMAGE-AUDIO/2400x1350.png?t=1603714364673" alt="Audio Fallback" title="Audio Fallback"
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/><br clear="all"/><br/>Altmann, Jan; Mainka, Marion<br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/19/presseschau_dlf_20221019_2353_8d3d06c1.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Wed, 19 Oct 2022 23:53:49 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/19/presseschau_dlf_20221019_2353_8d3d06c1.mp3" length="2743936" type="audio/mpeg" />
  <itunes:author>Altmann, Jan; Mainka, Marion</itunes:author>
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_4c462d9f%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->

The feed has been updated. Contrary to what we thought was happening, the “renamed” episode is a completely different episode. Different name and duration, different GUID, etc… and the duplicate episodes from earlier still remain. It’s late here in the US so I will check back on the feed in the morning.

  <title>20. Oktober 2022 - Die Presseschau aus deutschen Zeitungen</title>
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/a1acf133-6026-4342-9b23-35fb2cadfd50/2400x1350.jpg?t=1666181540339" alt="Großbritannien, London: Liz Truss, Premierministerin von Großbritannien, spricht im britischen Unterhaus bei der wöchentlichen Fragestunde &quot;Prime Minister&apos;s Questions&quot; " title="Großbritannien, London: Liz Truss, Premierministerin von Großbritannien, spricht im britischen Unterhaus bei der wöchentlichen Fragestunde &quot;Prime Minister&apos;s Questions&quot; "
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/>Mit Stimmen zu den andauernden Protesten im Iran und zur geplanten Strompreisbremse in Deutschland. Doch zunächst blicken wir nach Großbritannien, wo Premierministerin Truss nach dem Rücktritt von Innenministerin Braverman einen weiteren Kabinettsposten neu besetzen muss.<br clear="all"/><br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0705_49c7caf0.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:05:00 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0705_49c7caf0.mp3" length="8636032" type="audio/mpeg" />
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_417554dc%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/FALLBACK-IMAGE-AUDIO/2400x1350.png?t=1603714364673" alt="Audio Fallback" title="Audio Fallback"
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/><br clear="all"/><br/>Deutschlandfunk-Nachrichtenredaktion<br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0534_417554dc.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Thu, 20 Oct 2022 05:34:56 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0534_417554dc.mp3" length="4941952" type="audio/mpeg" />
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_8d3d06c1%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/FALLBACK-IMAGE-AUDIO/2400x1350.png?t=1603714364673" alt="Audio Fallback" title="Audio Fallback"
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/><br clear="all"/><br/>Altmann, Jan; Mainka, Marion<br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/19/presseschau_dlf_20221019_2353_8d3d06c1.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Wed, 19 Oct 2022 23:53:49 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/19/presseschau_dlf_20221019_2353_8d3d06c1.mp3" length="2743936" type="audio/mpeg" />
  <itunes:author>Altmann, Jan; Mainka, Marion</itunes:author>
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_4c462d9f%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->

OK, looking at the latest updates to the feed, I have a better idea of what is happening here. It looks like that original (shorter) Presseschau episode (the last one in the XML below) is the one that has been renamed. It retains its original GUID when it is renamed.

  <title>20. Oktober 2022 - Die Presseschau aus deutschen Zeitungen</title>
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/a1acf133-6026-4342-9b23-35fb2cadfd50/2400x1350.jpg?t=1666181540339" alt="Großbritannien, London: Liz Truss, Premierministerin von Großbritannien, spricht im britischen Unterhaus bei der wöchentlichen Fragestunde &quot;Prime Minister&apos;s Questions&quot; " title="Großbritannien, London: Liz Truss, Premierministerin von Großbritannien, spricht im britischen Unterhaus bei der wöchentlichen Fragestunde &quot;Prime Minister&apos;s Questions&quot; "
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/>Mit Stimmen zu den andauernden Protesten im Iran und zur geplanten Strompreisbremse in Deutschland. Doch zunächst blicken wir nach Großbritannien, wo Premierministerin Truss nach dem Rücktritt von Innenministerin Braverman einen weiteren Kabinettsposten neu besetzen muss.<br clear="all"/><br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0705_49c7caf0.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:05:00 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0705_49c7caf0.mp3" length="8636032" type="audio/mpeg" />
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_417554dc%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/FALLBACK-IMAGE-AUDIO/2400x1350.png?t=1603714364673" alt="Audio Fallback" title="Audio Fallback"
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/><br clear="all"/><br/>Deutschlandfunk-Nachrichtenredaktion<br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0534_417554dc.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Thu, 20 Oct 2022 05:34:56 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/20/presseschau_dlf_20221020_0534_417554dc.mp3" length="4941952" type="audio/mpeg" />
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_8d3d06c1%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->
  <title>19. Oktober 2022 - Blick in die Zeitungen von morgen</title>
    <![CDATA[<img src="https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/b11e2ab9-657e-4233-a318-fcd726d7e47e/1280x720.jpg?t=1666103105022" alt="Iranische Demonstranten setzen ihre Schals in Brand, während sie am 1. Oktober 2022 in Teheran eine Straße entlang marschieren. Das Bild wurde mit einer Handykamera aufgenommen. " title="Iranische Demonstranten setzen ihre Schals in Brand, während sie am 1. Oktober 2022 in Teheran eine Straße entlang marschieren. Das Bild wurde mit einer Handykamera aufgenommen. "
                    width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/>Viele Zeitungen beschäftigen sich mit den andauernden Protesten im Iran und kommentieren die Haltung des Westens.<br clear="all"/><br/>www.deutschlandfunk.de, Presseschau<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/19/presseschau_dlf_20221019_2353_8d3d06c1.mp3">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
  <pubDate>Wed, 19 Oct 2022 23:53:49 +0200</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2022/10/19/presseschau_dlf_20221019_2353_8d3d06c1.mp3" length="2743936" type="audio/mpeg" />
  <itunes:author>Altmann, Jan; Mainka, Marion</itunes:author>
</item> <!--/esi/podcast-xml-podcast-feed.xml?drsearch%3Aprops=%7B%22itemReference%22%3A%7B%22__typename%22%3A%22SophoraReference%22%2C%22sophoraReferenceId%22%3A%22dira_DLF_4c462d9f%22%2C%22primaryType%22%3A%22dradio-nt%3Apage-audio%22%7D%2C%22isTitleFirst%22%3Afalse%2C%22sitePodcastUrl%22%3A%22www.deutschlandfunk.de%22%2C%22sortBy%22%3A%22broadcastDate%22%7D-->

I subscribed to this feed on my phone yesterday, and found that the renamed episode is now back in my feed and marked unplayed:

So, while the feed is messed up in the short term, if you wait a few hours for them to rename the older episode, AntennaPod appears to correct things.

Yes, it looks like the problems are (mainly) restricted to the inbox, while the “per feed” episode lists (I don’t know the AntennaPod term) seem to update (nearly) correctly based on the information from the feed.

I haven’t figured out yet if the “per feed” list shows two distinct episodes already while they still have the same name. (I normally work with the inbox and rarely use the separate lists.)

But – what really puzzles me is the following observation:

This is from a few minutes ago and looks very much like @terminalmage’s last screenshot. The renamed episode which is now at #6 shows a duration of 04:51. This does not correspond to the file size – actually it is the duration of the 5.35 am episode from October 19, which somehow seems to have propagated its duration to the later episode with (originally) the same name. This is similar to to the behaviour of the inbox as shown above. In @terminalmage’s screenshot, however, the correct duration (02:51) is shown. That’s really over my head…
(NB: We can see an episode with no relation at all to Presseschau at #2 plus an episode of Internationale Presseschau at #3 which has a feed of its own. Very messy, indeed…)

About the durations: in this post, one of the episodes does not specify a duration in the feed. AntennaPod doesn’t remove durations that it had learned at some point, so if we detect an episode as duplicate and the “new” copy of it does not specify a duration, we keep the old duration of the “original” episode. This should only cause problems if the feed sometimes does not specify durations

Do you refer to the <itunes:duration> tag? If I’m not mistaken, both items have one – for the first one, it is on the same line as <itunes:author>

Oops, right. Then I don’t really know what might be going on with the durations

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