Events section on the website (testers welcome!)


Following the community call, I’ve updated the PR that introduces an Events section to our website.

There’s an issue where many clients don’t seem to recognise the recurrence exceptions and/or additions in the community call event:


I’ve tried subscribing to the ICS calendar in (which uses OX suite, recurrence docs). After correcting the date, the exception (08/10/2022) is not showing any-more :tada:

However, the addition (RDATE 22/10/2022) is ignored still. @femmdi Would you mind reaching out to to ‘report’ that the addition listed above doesn’t work? I believe you’re a more-paying customer than I am :stuck_out_tongue:

I also looked up SOGo and it seems that it doesn’t support RDATE. Last issue comment was a couple of years ago. EDIT: that bug report seems to be about RDATE within timezone blocks.
@cos would you mind testing again if now just the exception is removed and the rest of the series continues?
It might still be interesting to report the ‘problem’ with the addition to your provider (if you’re not self-hosting) and see if they’re willing to work on this in/with SOGo :slight_smile:

Haven’t tested in Thunderbird (I was convinced that it worked there via subscribing, although that would’ve been weird if the exception date was incorrect). Will do tomorrow.

When trying to subscribe using ICSx5, I get the error message “empty result from content provider” and it is not added.

I just added as remote calendar in Thunderbird and that works: 08/10/2022 is not shown, 22/10/2022 is shown (with correct time).

For ICSx5 (which uses their ical4android library, which in turn leverages ical4j to parse ical objects) I have created a bug report.

Earlier I also created a bug report for Nextcloud calendar, and with VObject, which it leverages to parse ical objects.

For future reference - EXDATE and RDATE are described here:

Interesting. If I import this event into my Baikal calendar (which internally uses sabre/vobject like Nextcloud) using Thunderbird, DAVx5 also reports the same error message.

My SOGo is self-hosted. It shows all events up until and including the exception date, but none following it.

If I understand 0004876: No custom recurrence possible correctly, I’m lucky to even see as much as I do with RDATE support being removed. Probably that means that SOGo does a bad job at parsing them, fails to properly sync them with other buggy software and thus refuses to allow creating them.

Ok, I created a separate ics file that doesn’t have the RDATE additions (which seems to be the problem):

I successfully subscribed in Nextcloud. Trust it’ll work in other places as well.

Not ideal to have two separate calendar files, but I want to have something that the enthusiastic community members can subscribe to in their favourite (but broken) tool, while having a file to point to in the bug reports for these tools.

Will be merging tomorrow :slight_smile:

And if there’s an alternative way to make the ICS file have ‘moved’ meetings in a way supported by more clients, I am all ears.

I would do it the other way around, have a special file for the expert users and the normal filename for average users

Allright then. Updated & merged. I will update the links in the various bug reports.

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