German website translation

@vrifox Are you happy with the translations? Then we can release the website :slight_smile:

I just released the German website translation :slight_smile: Should be available soon. Thanks again @vrifox for making this happen!

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Thanks @vrifox also from me :slight_smile:

To announce the news on social media, would you be OK to translate this toot?

Our website is also available in Spanish and German! Support pages will now open in these languages, right from the app. Check it out here:

Do you spot any errors, or have an improvement suggestion? Let us know on our forum:

Many thanks to our contributors ❤️

It’s too long for Twitter - I’ll probably have to split it up into a series. As usual, please translate liberally rather than literally :slight_smile:

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Only after the next app update :slight_smile:

Yeah, I know :stuck_out_tongue: Should we replace ‘now’ by ‘soon’? Or ‘in the next version’

Is it important to mention that the pages open from the app? Just saying that it is now easier to get help seems enough to me.

Done :slight_smile:

Unsere Webseite ist nun auch in Spanisch und Deutsch verfĂźgbar! Support-Seiten werden nun direkt aus der App heraus in diesen Sprachen geĂśffnet. Schau es dir gerne direkt an:

Du hast einen Fehler gefunden oder andere Verbesserungsvorschläge? Teile es uns im Forum mit:

Vielen Dank an unsere Beitragenden ❤️

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