Global Volume adaptation

Volume adaptation.

It would be great to be able to adjust the volume and have an option to “apply to all podcasts”.


The sardonic response would be “that is what the volume control on your phone or speaker is for” but there do seem to be some podcasts which are published with a very low audio level out of kilter with most and even belting the speaker volume up to the max is not enough. Are there any guidelines for publishers to follow on how to set the audio level? I accept that content type will afffect the decision made on this.

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I’m going to assume that “global” in this case means to adjust the volume for all episodes of a given podcast, per the observation from @gomezz that some podcasts have a low volume level. It seems I’ve heard comments about this in this forum previously.

In fairness, I observe the same thing when listening to music apps, where some songs play at a higher or lower volume than others.

There is already a per podcast option to adjust the volume for all episodes in that podcast which goes some way to balancing the volume across a mixed queue of episodes from different podcasts without fiddling with the speaker volume control every time a different episode starts.