Gpodder/ NextPOD sync on Nextcloud account

Android 8.1. AntennaPod 3.4.0.

Hello, Using Nextcloud on the server there is a NEXTPOD sync option for the AntennaPOD app. I want to delete all the synced files in order to start off new again, but I have not found a delete option. Deleting files in the AntennaPOD does’t delete them in the Nextcloud - on the next sync the files just get reloaded back on the AntennaPOD app. The Nextcloud android app v3.30 doesn’t show the files and the web login interface shows all the synced NextPod files but no way to delete them. Any suggestions short of just deleting the whole Nexcloud account. Thanks for your time and attention.

Lancaster Pa USA

Hi, I recommend asking the developers of the Nextcloud app about this. The Nextcloud app is developed by different volunteers who are no affiliated with AntennaPod. You can find their issue tracker here: Issues · thrillfall/nextcloud-gpodder · GitHub