Inbox is Always Empty

New user. Inbox is always empty. Downloaded pods don’t go to inbox. I see no settings or configs. Broken feature?

Inbox is where new episodes go.
When they appear you can remove them from queue or choose to download them and add them to queue.

For older episode you have to go to a podcast subscription.

Downloaded episodes go to the queue not to inbox.

I have the same Issue,

I am also a new User and I have never seen an episode inside the inbox they all appear directly inside the queue.

I am subscribed to 12 podcasts and saw this happening to about 20-30 episodes so far.

Android AntennaPod-Version 3.1.2(8d4270ab8)

Most likely you have automatic downloads set up. There is a global setting and also a podcast-specific setting to control that.

Yes, I have auto-downloads enabled.

So we can’t auto-download AND have the episodes appear in our Inbox?

The inbox is the place where you decide what to do with new episodes. If you auto-download them, you’ve already decided what you want to do with them.


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