Inbox: Looking for testers

At the hackathon last year, we decided to revamp the “new” screen. After @ueen’s contribution was open for nearly a year and my stab at it for half a year, I think we can give it another go now. Are you interested in testing the inbox?

You can find a test build HERE. It installs alongside your existing AntennaPod app, so you can install it without changing your existing installation.

What is the inbox?

The inbox is basically the same as the “episodes»new” screen. Episodes that are newly released are added to the inbox. From there, you can decide whether you are interested in them (and download or add them to the queue) or if you are not (swipe them away from the inbox). The main advantage over the old screen is that the inbox screen was moved out of the “episodes” page and now supports configurable swipe actions. We also hope that the naming change will make it more clear for users to understand what the screen does (the word “new” is not clear because it could also mean “recent”).

Hi. It works so far and is very nice :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

A feature request for future updates: add the feature to select multiple entries by checkbox - I only found the delete all function

Hm, I don’t get how Inbox is supposed to work:

  • no auto-download enabled. One Episode is detected, not shown in Inbox
  • auto-download enabled. Five episodes downloaded, not shown in Inbox.

What’s it that makes an episode tagged “new”?

All episodes that are released after you are already subscribed end up in the inbox. In case you want to test this, you can use below RSS feed that “releases” a new episode every time it is refreshed.

When auto download is enabled for a specific subscriptions, the episodes go directly to the queue.

I can disable the queuing, right? (“Downloads einreihen” → disabled). Got two new episodes downloades, still not in Inbox.
If this feature is only for not downloaded, then either I change my usage model (download everything on wifi to have it ready on the go) or this feature is not for me and I’ll stick with the downloaded-overview, although I admit that the swiping feature is very neat.
I’m testing with you always new rss feed…

Alright. Works iff auto-download is not activated.
New in Inbox:

  • swipe actions:
    – mark played - ok - episode vanished from Inbox
    – add to queue - ok - episode vanishes from Inbox
  • once a swipe action is defined, the only way to change it is in Settings/GUI/Swipe-Actions.
    – I first tried by “holding the swipe” expecting a settings-icon to appear instead of the Action’s icon
    – gonna test all available actions on both sides. If I don’t report back, everything was fine :wink:

Sony XZ2c / lineage OS 18.1

If you use auto download for all subscriptions, the feature is indeed not for you. It is meant as a way to decide which episodes you want to download and which not.

The most awaited new feature for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

The visualization of the Download progress still seems to be a bit stuck.
When automatic adding to the queue is off, the round Download icon isn’t shown (or by scrolling the episode out of view and back, the icon can be there eventually, but the round progress bar is frozen), if it’s on, the icon appears but the progress bar doesn’t go forwards.
Both for the download swipe action and open the episode details, start download from there and ho back to the Inbox.

I second this: came here to ask why the download icon wouldn’t show progress… Had some larger files to download and wasn’t sure if I’ve hit the button or missed it.
Only when “auto-queuing” is on, it shows the download progress on my installation.

With almost 25k new episodes, the inbox isn’t really for me in it’s current form. Still, I gave it a try and like what I see. Seems great for those with less subscriptions!

For what it’s worth, the inbox would fit my case if it also became possible to limit that view to (a) certain tag(s).

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It would also be good to maybe filter podcasts from it, I follow a few that I am listening to from the start and I won’t care about new episodes for a while, so them showing up alongside podcasts I listen too weekly and currently is kinda annoying.

So yeah, filtering podcasts would be nice

Yeah, that’s the main use-case. When you have a number of subscriptions where it is still feasible to go through every newly released episode and decide whether you want to listen to it or not. (A fun variation would be to show them as cards one by one and let people swipe left/right to remove/download like in some dating apps. Maybe on April 1st)

The inbox is not meant as some kind of automatic playlist. Only as an overview of what was recently released that you have not decided on yet. You can disable automatic updates for those subscriptions, though. Then AntennaPod does not look for new episodes and therefore also does not show episodes in the inbox.

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As it is I don’t like that it is it’s own lateral entry. I don’t perceive it as an improvement : compared as before there is no difference with having it in episodes fragment along all and favorites.

So to still address the problem it is trying to solve :

  • keep new episodes tab inside episodes, rename it to inbox, change icons and add swipes actions
  • or bring in inbox all and favorites tabs

Hope that if it is implemented as is it would still be possible to not display it and still have inbox in episodes screen.

Having it in the menu enables swipe actions because there no longer are multiple tabs to scroll between.

You are right, my bad xD, but disabling auto-updates is not a perfect solution, sometimes a podcast will change its url or maybe relocate their audiofiles somewhere else and if the RSS feed doeesn’t get updated it would error even on the older episodes.

You can pull-to-refresh the podcast manually even when automatic updates are disabled. When refreshing manually while automatic updates are disabled, the episodes don’t show up in the inbox.

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Okidoki. Thanks for letting me know
Totally different topic btw, I have time and I wanna translate the website to spanish, but I could not find it on Weblate, so could you add it or smth so I can start working on it?

Just create a new thread for this and maybe mention keunes there. He manages translations.

Good find, thanks! Fixed.

If I get what you’re saying your use case is similar to mine: you want a single list to manage all episodes and your queue, you sometimes want to see only new unplayed episodes and sometimes revisit your favorites.

I think this could be best solved with the quick filter idea (although there does not seem to be consensus on the actual implementation as of now), which tries to make filtering a single episodes list for new/unplayed or favorite episodes more easy, quick (duh;) and intuitive.

Conceptually it makes sense to separate inbox so it’s easier to recognize it for what it is, also I’ll become much more useful when integrated into the home concept, so look out for that :slight_smile: