Missing 300+ hours of playback on stats page

Antennapod 3.6.1 from F-Droid on Android 14

the stats page correctly shows that I’ve listened to 337/337 episodes but for some reason ‘hours played’ is 300+ hours away from ‘hours total’. I’ve enabled the related setting that I thought could fix it but It made no difference.

anyone have this problem? anyone know any solutions?

It sounds like a sync issue between the ‘hours played’ and ‘hours total.’ You could try updating to the latest version, clearing the cache, or reinstalling the app. Also, double-check the playback settings. If it still persists, consider reporting it on the Antennapod GitHub, as it could be a bug specific to your version or Android 14.

I just check my situation:

  • In the subscription stats list view, I see
    • 182.8 hours for podcast X, if ‘include marked as played’ is disabled
    • 190.1 hours for podcast X, if I enable ‘include marked as played’
  • In the detail grid of that same podcast, I always see 190.1 hours, regardless the setting.

Important to note that the date range I selected is ‘All time’, because that does have an impact on which episodes are included.

From this I conclude that the pop-up with detailed statistics always includes ‘marked as played’, while the statistics screen does not (instead it depends on the setting).

That’s kind of the opposite of your conclusion, @vvn. Can you share the test results if you do the same check as I did above?

Note that it is about started episodes; if you started an episode and at the 3rd second pause it, it is counted to the ‘started’ episodes but only counts as 3 seconds for the ‘hours played’. (Similarly, if you play the same episode twice, it’s counted as 1 episode started, but double the total listening time.)

I suppose you manually marked a lot of the episodes as played?

Reporting bugs here on the forum is fine as well - we have a category for it: About the Bug report category. If there’s a clear report, we can transfer it to GitHub :slight_smile: (We’ve set it up this way to make reporting lower barrier for non-technical who don’t have and don’t want a GitHub account.)

thanks for correction, mate! I was unfamiliar with bugs reporting threads are on this forum too.