Norwegian language


I have corrected all errors and translated all untranslated strings for the app in Transifex. However there are errors in description and short description also. These strings I am unable to edit. Is there any way I can be able to correct them?

Hi there, welcome to the forum and thanks for your help with translations! You can find the app store descriptions on Weblate.

It’s probably due to the fact that the entire Description and Short description components on Transifex are set as ‘reviewed’. @femmdi would need to set you as reviewer for your language for you to be able to edit those. disregard this, see below

See Femmdi’s response above :wink:

My bad - I didn’t realise that the components were also ‘locked’ by the maintainers on Transifex and that the same exact strings already appeared on Weblate.

But then this begs a question to @femmdi on why the disabled components are not deleted from Transifex to prevent any confusion?

They are still locked and not deleted yet because we just recently moved them and haven’t tested everything properly yet :slight_smile:

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I have now rewieved, corrected and translated alle strings in Norwegian on Weblate as well as Transifex

Great, thanks a lot for your help :smiley: