AntennaPod v3.4.1(8c2d641ba) via Google Play Store
OnePlus 12, Android 14 stock
Expected behavior:
Home screen widget shows the current item in the play queue
Current behavior:
Home screen widget does not update despite the play queue having emptied or refilled.
I just installed this a couple days ago as a potential replacement to my current podcast app that stopped working properly with Android Auto. One of the things that and the other potential replacements do that AntennaPod is not doing is properly update the Now Playing home screen widget.
Yesterday, I listened to my queue until all episodes had been played and the queue was empty. The widget still showed the last one played for at least another 12 hours (including overnight) despite nothing currently queued to play and the app being set to check for new episodes ever 4 hours so it should have refreshed several times.
The flip side to that is a new episode of one of my subscribed 'casts did update this evening and the episode added to the queue automatically but AntennaPod’s Now Playing widget is not showing it. The others do in their widgets.