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Problem you may be having, or feature you want:
At the moment podcasts can only be refreshed in intervalls. I would like to refresh my podcasts and therefore download my podcasts before I leave to work. This is usually the same time every day.
Suggested solution:
Add an Option top refresh podcasts at specific time
It was something that was previously available.
With Android evolution it has been removed as it’s no longer something possible. At least reliably from my understanding.
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But if a specific time ist not possible how can an intervall be possible? In the end a specific time would be to start at specific time for the first time and then do an intervall of 24 hours.
Podcasts can of course also be refreshed manually, like I do every morning when I first pick up my phone. I just take a quick glance at AntennaPod’s InBox (to see what the automatic refreshes already pulled down) and then do a drag-down refresh for the latest/greatest while I get ready.
I am not a developer but I guess it’s probably because apps can ask the OS to wake / trigger them periodically so they can do some actions.
This way they don’t have to stay awake and the system can save some battery putting them to sleep.
If someone more knowledgeable could confirm ?
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Exactly, we can ask the system for a periodic task. Only alarm clock apps can request an exact time
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Ok, but is there a possibility to do a refresh of my podcasts at specific time with an app like tasker?
Or another way, if I set intervall to 12h and do a manual refresh at 7 a.m. will then be the intervall 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every day until I restart my mobile? When is the intervall triggered? After finishing the refresh? In that case I would get a delay of some seconds every time the refresh is executed.
We basically tell the Android system “run this code roughly every 12 hours”. Then it gets sometimes called after 12 hours, sometimes after 15 hours. Whenever the system thinks that it is a good time to perform heavy background tasks. The Android system uses AI to determine that: DeepMind, meet Android - Google DeepMind
Not really. Might work for a few days, but definitely not reliably