Option to sort Downloads by podcast title, just like in Queue

App version: 3.6.1 from Google Play

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Would like to have the option to sort list of Downloads by podcast title, just like in the Queue, and also to see podcast names or icons in the list of downloads. If we have a lot of downloads, it becomes very difficult to tell what is what, and this sorting option would help a lot. I used it with my previous podcast apps. Thanks!

Please help us understand the usage model that inspires this request. It’s typical to organize and play podcasts from the Queue and, as you point out, organizing by podcast title is already supported there.

FYI: I almost never even look in my Downloads folder unless I’m troubleshooting something, so I’m curious why you apparently spend a lot of time in there.

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Thanks for your reply. I use my Downloads folder often, to see what podcasts I have available and play them when I’m away from wi-fi. I use the Queue to create a short list of podcasts that I want to listen to during that activity – for example, a walk or a drive. Since there can be quite a lot of episodes accumulated in the Downloads (from which to choose), it’s much easier to see them organized by podcast series.

I tend to set up the playlist/queue for a walk or drive before I set out and so still got access to home or other wifi and so those episodes will be downloaded. Surely better to choose what you want to listen to from across the board than from just those already downloaded?

In my case I often end up choosing a podcast when I’m out of the house and away from wi-fi (I don’t always have it planned out beforehand), so I use my Downloads list in those situations, and that’s why it’s nice to have it organized. Since the feature is already available in the Queue, it seems like it should be possible to add it to Downloads as well, no?