Phone Hard Reset Impact

App version
App Version 3.3.2 (from Google Play)

Android version
Android 14

Device model:
Pixel 6a

I need to do a hard reset on my phone. What should I document in AntennaPod before the reset? What will be retained for me?
Will it remember which episodes I have downloaded?
Will it remember my subscriptions?

Thanks for your help. This app is new to me (since the untimely execution of Google Podcasts) and I really like AntennaPod so far!

Welcome to the AntennaPod family. I am likewise a Google Podcasts refugee and Pixel fan who is very happy with AntennaPod so far.

You will want to export your AntennaPod database before doing a factory reset on your Pixel, and then import the database after the reset. (Database export/import is more comprehensive than OPML export/import, which is presumably how you migrated your subscriptions from Google Podcasts to AntennaPod.)


I would also take screenshots of your preferences just to make it easier to manually change the settings later.


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