Playback on Android Auto goes to Queue screen when playback continues to next episode

Android version: 13

Device model: OnePlus 12

Expected behavior: When the current episode is finished and continuing to the next, the screen will show the new now-playing episode

Current behavior: When the current episode is finished and continuing to the next, the screen switches to the Queue and continues playing

First occurred: Always, recently installed and testing to see if I like the app

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have more than one episode in the Queue
  2. Connect to Android Auto
  3. Play
  4. Wait for the current episode to end and automatically move on to the next

Environment: Above mentioned phone and Android, current Android Auto on the phone. Car is a '17 Kia with the most recent UVO head unit firmware available, circa 2023.

This appears to be the same as this topic from back in January. It has no replies.


This has been a bug for a while now. For me, when an episode finishes, it just stays on the now playing screen, with the timer still counting up past the total play time. Also if you try to select a new episode by tapping the queue button from the now playing screen and tap a different episode, it just goes back to the currently playing episode. You have to tap the back button, then the top queue button, then tap desired episode. These are the last two bugs that would make AP absolutely perfect for me.

At this point, the issues I’ve found have become deal-breakers for me as the primary place I listen is in my car, so I can’t go fiddling with on-screen controls to resume playback on the next episode while driving.

I may try it again when the app is updated as there is much I like about Antennapod more than PocketCasts, which is what I was testing against.

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We are tracking this bug here, I’m working on a fix Playback on Android Auto goes to Queue screen when playback continues to next episode · Issue #7441 · AntennaPod/AntennaPod · GitHub


I agree. This is a deal breaker and I keep coming back to see if it’s fixed and it’s not. I finish an episode and it keeps playing but brings the queue up not the now playing screen. I also need a mark as finished button. Don’t care about listening stats. If I’m tired of an episode or the host is going on and on I want a mark as played/delete button.

Hi @Singlespeednut - in the car, I use skip next episode as ‘mark as finish’, would that work?

Also, I have a code submission to fix the the issue of displaying the queue instead of the now playing screen. The code is submitted here and hopefully will get release sometime 3.6.0 new way to detect car mode to fix skip to next episode by tonytamsf · Pull Request #7442 · AntennaPod/AntennaPod · GitHub

It would be awesome to have at all times, not just android auto. Long pressing next track button to delete/mark played or a separate trash can or check mark icon would work great on Android Auto.

As far as not being on Android Auto, instead of playback speed in notification tray a trash can or a check mark for marked as played would be great. Having that user selectable for what’s in the notif shade would be excellent.

Just some ideas. Thanks for listening

This bug has been fixed in the latest 3.6.0 release (261752989)

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