Playlist support yes/no?

There are quite a few posts asking about support for multiple playlists.

Found one going back at least 7 years, but I still don’t see a way to do this in the app.

This issue on GH was last modified 6 months ago.

When I prompted one of the AI engines for the 3 features I wanted in a podcast player, it told me that AntennaPod had multiple playlist support.

Two questions:

1 - what is the current state for support of multiple playlists?
2 - is there a more concise list of past & future features and their develpoment state? A spreadsheet of features so you don’t have to go scraping through endless forum posts and GH issue tracking threads?


I am one of those nagging users. Or rather potential users. I’m a refugee from the crumbling BeyondPod and I can’t find myself in any other podcast players, even after trying about 7 others. I had high hopes from AP because I’ve been a Free Software evangelist and activist for 30 years now, and the closest I could find is Podcust Republic which is not FOSS and not a perfect match either.

1- current state: I haven’t seen anyone try to pick this up.

2- roadmap: nothing other than 197 issues marked “Feature request”. Just the size of that suggests there’s no organized work on the 0project. I see pull requests and commits, but they are building up and not really tackled. Maybe the project is just lacking enough members.

(and sadly no, I am not a developer myself. I do some scripting in devops, but not UI and Android apps.)

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I’m in the same position as you both. It was suggested to me to start a feature bounty somewhere for this.

I’d be happy to lead a financial pot to fund a BeyondPod-like experience if anybody can lead the initiative, sadly I have no bandwidth for anything other than funding.

I would say the fact that there are only 197 even though users open new ones nearly every day shows that there is a lot of organized work :wink:

Over the past 30 days, we have merged 18 pull requests. This means new features or bug fixes almost every day. I would say that’s quite a lot given that everything is done by volunteers.

Definitely :wink: Check out how you can help on Contribute – AntennaPod Most of the things we need help with do not require any coding. You can also join our community call and ask if there is specific areas we need help with Monthly community meeting ☎ 🎙 – AntennaPod For example, we are currently looking for someone reliable who can spend about 2-3 hours every 2 months to go through all commits and write the release notes.

The problem is that this is the case for most people who request features - they want features but don’t want to contribute their time (we don’t need money, we need time). So if you really want features to be implemented faster, you need to spend time helping AntennaPod


Fair enough, I looked at how many are in the queue and not how many get closed and merged. Though the question about planned features and roadmap is legit. Are you just merging in things that seem like a good idea or is there a plan with focused goals?

There is a roadmap, yes. We have biweekly meetings discussing every feature request and whether it fits the overall goals of the app. All open issues that do not have the “needs: something” label are on the roadmap. Whether they get implemented (and in what order) depends on someone volunteering to actually do it.

To nuance this a bit: if we follow popular definitions of a roadmap (which includes concepts of timing & prioritisation, Atlassian example), we don’t have a roadmap currently. I would rather say we have a single pool of things to work on, and it really depends on contributors’ interests and availability where progress is seen.

Personally I think it would be good to get a high-level roadmap, though. @ByteHamster and I are having discussions about this; there’s many benefits and challenges of maintaining a roadmap.

But that’s a separate question than the one we started with in this thread (multiple queues), so it would probably be better to create a spin-off thread if folks want to discuss this further :slight_smile:

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Regarding this specific feature, from what I remember, it was not possible (or there was no interest) on implementing it in a non invasive way (let’s say for example, allowing to play episodes with a specific tag by episode order, which could be enough for some), so it required first architectural changes, like db changes, etc. so I’m wondering if this is something that someone who is not a core developer can contribute to, being realistic.

Also, I think there was a branch that had this feature implemented and working, so I’m thinking it is a shame that maybe 90% of the work was done and such a useful feature was discarded.

About the bounty/donation proposal. Is there a reason? There is no core developer interested on being hired to work on a feature or is there a rule to avoid conflicts?

It is possible, but will need a lot of time. Last year someone volunteered to do it and we had a couple of meetings. Then the person disappeared unfortunately.

The problem is that 90% of the work often take 10% of the time. It’s the last 10% where you make it reliable and usable that takes most time.

We decided that we don’t want to pay developers using the “normal” donation funds. I think a bounty on a specific issue could be okay, but I’m not sure if anyone would actually pick it up. Personally, I have a full-time job, so money doesn’t motivate me as much. (Unless it is really a ton of money :P)

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