Podcasts multiply heavily / where is the config file

App version: 3.3.2 701b1ce33 (f-Droid)

Android version: 9 (Huawei EMUJ version!)

Device model: Huawi Mediapad M5 light 8 inch JDN2-L09

Expected behaviour:
Show subscribed Podcasts in Subscription List and 1 new Episode in Episode Lis

Current behaviour:
Single podcasts multiply spontaniously.
It started with “Radio Wissen” multilplying ca 10 fold for a few times every couple of weeks, but now I have ca. 200 subscriptions of “Extra 3 HQ” (while Radio Wissen stays single). I start selecting my podcast in the Episode List sorted by date and need to scroll down heavily to get to an episode older than the date when Extra 3 HQ got its last episode. Extra 3 HQ appears hundredfold in the Subscription List and it is too tiring deleting them all.

First occurred: (e.g. about x days/weeks ago)
started ca 1 year ago a few multiplications, hundredfold 3 weeks ago .

Steps to reproduce:
did nothing othe than subscribe to a podcast

Environment: (Auto Podcast refresh every 12 hours, Nextcloud sync, other devices not affected)

That’s a known problem with the synchronization protocol

Funny technics, again!

So how can I most efficiently delete them? Un- and resubscribe from Nextcloud does the trick but deletes all media files.

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