Poder escribir o contestar a los podcast

App version: x.y.z (state whether from Google Play/F-Droid/Custom built APK)

version 3.3.2 (701b1ce33) de Play Store

Problem you may be having, or feature you want:

Muy pedido por las redes el poder contestar o escribir comentarios a los pódcast, mucha gente abandona la aplicación, porque no puede poner una nota o felicitar al podcaster desde esta app, y es una pena, porque es una maravilla.

Suggested solution:

La solución sería añadir un cuadrado, como esté mismo, para poner un comentario en los pódcast.

**Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details

Creo que se entiende bien, no hace falta dibujos, muchos otros podcacher lo llevan y es muy útil para tener un feedback con el creador.

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Translated with DeepL.com (free version):
Problem you may be having, or feature you want:

Very much requested by the networks to be able to answer or write comments to the podcasts, many people abandon the application, because they can not put a note or congratulate the podcaster from this app, and it’s a shame, because it is a marvel.

Suggested solution:

The solution would be to add a square, like this one, to put a comment in the podcasts.

Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details

I think it is well understood, there is no need for drawings, many other podcasters have it and it is very useful to have a feedback with the creator.