Purge old Queue items

App version: 3.4.1 Android

I’m subscribed to lots of RSS channels which I don’t want/need to listen to all of them, I choose to listen only some interesting topics. Therefore my queue is filling with items that are either old or I’m not interested in. New items are not downloaded because the queue is full. I need to manually delete items from queue.

Suggested solution: enable option to automatically purge items that are older then X days even they are not finished.


I can certainly understand how the queue could become congested if it’s full of episodes you don’t actually plan to listen to.

The queue is where episodes are played from, and by default it only contains items you have placed there. Has “New episodes action” been changed to “Add to queue”? If so, perhaps consider changing the option back to “Add to inbox” so the queue won’t fill-up with episodes you will never listen to.

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My settings already is “Add to inbox”. On refresh, new episodes are starting to download and added to the queue. Then, the queue is soon filled with old items.
Anyway, your advice would require me to mark each individual item to be added to the queue.
What I need is to have new items automatically downloaded just for case I will want to listen to them when I’m out of wifi. And have them automatically deleted after some delay time.