I wanted to talk about a more general topic that is not directly related to the code or the functionality. So what I want to ask is what is really the purpose of the ability to “rename” a podcast. You can casually change the title (or in general anything else) of a work that is not from me but from other users? I found this ability a very peculiar choice and with not a real meaning after all. I mean, okay you don’t change the title for the other users, but can it still be misleading? Yes. Does it offer a real value to the app? Because someone could easily rename a podcast with an inappropriate title and further misunderstanding and problems may occur. Of course I am not criticizing the choice, but I would like to know the real reason behind this feature. Thanks in advance!!!
You want to change the order of all your subscriptions, so you had 000 in front of the first one and 999 in front of the last one, and all others in between as needed.
I have a subscription for about 30 podcasts.
5 of them are actualized every night. In the morning, I’d like to hear these 5 podcasts in a special order:
Podcast A
Podcast B
Podcast C…
Therefore I put 01, 02, 03… before the podcast name of the 5 ones.
And I sorted the queue by name.
So, if there are some podcasts in the queue I just want to finish sometime, they will always go down in the order as soon as podcast A, B, C… are coming in.
And by the way: It’s not working
The sorting function in the queue uses the original name and not the adjusted name. But I still like the use case and would love if it would work
You can create a Bug Report right here. Just select Bug Report in the Categories dropdown, and of course include the vitals like Device, OS version, AntennaPod version, etc.
I use a similar strategy with renaming some podcasts to prioritise them and its working fine for me - do you have order by podcast title and keep sorted set?