If we presume the playback position starts at the beginning of the episode before you start listening, then resetting the position would logically return it to the beginning of an episode which would imply that it is not been listened to. This is how I would expect it to behave.
If what you want is to mark a partially listened episode as played and remove the playback position, then simply mark it as played; you can think of it as resetting the position to the end of the episode and it will no longer show the playback position in the episode list.
Or even for adults, isn’t there a case for listening to the same track over and over? Guided meditation, for instance? Having the playback position set at the beginning for those doesn’t imply that it is not been listened to.
Ok, that sort of works… but
It only works for single tracks, not in multi-select;
It requires two steps — mark as unplayed, then mark as played — bc mark as played is not available for paused episodes; and
It doesn’t work with swipe action; setting it to toggle played state doesn’t reset the playback position when toggling it to played.
All of that could be sorted if reset playback position did just that, reset the playback position, nothing else.
I tend to download stuff like that and use the music player instead of a podcast app, but I can see how that can be onerous if the popular stuff changes often. Maybe there is some room for better functionality here.
When an episode is marked as played and you choose to play it again, it will start at the beginning of the episode. I’m not sure what’s missing here in terms of the functionality.
Marking multi-selected episodes as played works for me, as does marking paused episodes as played as well as the opposite. Both of these seem like bugs worthy of their own bug reports if they aren’t working for you.
I can see why they might want to leave the playback position in place when toggling the played state. People are going to be annoyed if they accidentally swipe and lose their position, this allows for a quick “undo”. However I think this could be done more elegantly.
In any case, I agree with you here in that I would like to see more options for swipe actions in general and specifically, reset playback position makes perfect sense to me as a separate option. For example you could use the episodes view filtered by favourites – downloaded favourites don’t get deleted automatically by default – and set the episode view’s left swipe action to reset the playback position and quickly find and play the popular episodes.
I see this one as more of a feature request.
I guess I still don’t understand why the played state is important if you’re about to listen to it again anyway.
Works for me too, but doesn’t reset the playback position as you described, which does work for a single episode.
Fair enough. This then makes even more the case for reset playback position not interfering with the played state, since in that case toggling the played state doesn’t interfere with the playback position.
Bc I’d rather play, and the kid would rather listen to, an unlistened episode, but if there aren’t any, then a rerun of a listened episode from a favourite podcast will do. Indeed it seems a lot of the functionality in AP stems from this assumption that podcasts will only be listened to once, which is generally true of news and commentary podcasts but not of time insensitive content, e.g.: