Resolving Episode Duplication Issue in AntennaPod After Episode Changes


As a podcast publisher, we’ve made a decision to reorganize our episodes. We had to change all episodes’ sound files as well as rename their metadata (e.g. titles) including the GUIDs. However, this resulted in a situation that all our episodes seem to be duplicated in the podcast feed in AntennaPod. However, if someone subscribes newly, there seems to be no duplication in their feed list. So, this problem affected our old subscribers which are more than tens of thousands.

I saw that this issue indicates that changing GUIDs results in that expected behavior. However, we had to change GUIDs because we splitted some episodes into multiple ones etc. That means, continuing with old GUIDs was not an option for our case. This is our podcast XML file: Sözler - Risale-i Nur Since we don’t want to lose our current subscribers, publishing reorganized version as a new podcast is not desirable for us.

I want to get some suggestions if there is a way to remove our old episodes from subscriber’s list in AntennaPod? Can we label our old episodes in our podcast XML file as deprecated and change the behavior of AntennaPod to not show them at all or delete them?

Best regards.

Example Screenshot:

Once they are duplicated, there is currently no way to remove them again without users re-subscribing (and losing their playback state). Even if there was a way to remove episodes that are no longer in the feed, users would lose their playback state because with the changed GUIDs (and all other attributes changed as well), it’s not possible to map the old ones to the new ones.

GUIDs should never ever be changed under any circumstances. That’s also what the Apple Podcast documentation says. This applies to all apps. Your listeners will likely either get duplicates or lose their playback state, depending on the app they are using.

I understand, we should have considered before updating the podcast. Thanks for your quick reply :slight_smile:

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