Send media control intent from Tasker

App version: 2.6.2 - F-Droid

Android version: 11 (MIUI 12.5.1)

Device model: Redmi K20 Pro (MI 9T Pro)



I have recently switched to AntennaPod from Podcast Addict and I’m trying to automate the play the Queue from Tasker using “Send Intent”.

I tried use the following Intents but have no luck

  • de.danoeh.antennapod.core.service.playback.PlaybackService
  • de.danoeh.antennapod.core.reciever.MediaButtonReceiver


For media controls, please use the “Media controls” action in Tasker, not the “Send intent” action.

Thank you for the quick reply. It seems to be works.

Is there a alternative approach to trigger the Play?

Looks like the media controls is not working all the time. Especially after the device restart.

There is no alternative approach

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