App version: AntennaPod 3.6.1 (Google Play version)
Problem you may be having, or feature you want:
I am using AntennaPod to subscribe some Youtube channels using the free service.
Youtube has features such as scheduled lives and others that show-up in the feed, but are not yet available to download. If I try to download one of such non-available audios, AntennaPod shows the error:
HTTP data error
Technical reason: 503
If I use the audio URL ( in the browser, I get a more meaningful error message.
Error 503: This live event will begin in the future. Retry after 3.00 days. also send a “retry_after” tag, with the time to wait before to retry, that is also useful.
Suggested solution:
It think it will be useful for the users if, together with the existing error message, AntennaPod also shows the custom error message coming from the server.
May also shown an alert if the user retry the audio download before the “retry_after” recommended time.
Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details: