Some podcast episodes cause Bluetooth disconnects

App version: 3.4.0 from Google play
Android version: 14
Device model: Google pixel 5a

Current behaviour:
Some episodes of my favorite podcast fail to play from antennapod on my car audio. When one of these episodes starts, my phone disconnect from my car audio Bluetooth. The episode can then be played with the phone’s audio. If I switch to another app like YouTube or Spotify and play something (even the same episode), the Bluetooth reconnects after a few seconds, but switching back to the episode disconnects again without playing anything.

These disconnects only occur when using antennapod and only in some episodes, but when they do, it’s consistent.

My earphones (Jabra elite 4) do not suffer from these disconnects. But when I’m in my car I want to use the car audio.

Expected behaviour:
Not the above. Play all episodes on my car audio.

First occurred: (e.g. about x days/weeks ago)
Several weeks ago. It took me time to identify the cause of the disconnects. I switched to antennapod from beyondpod (RIP) only recently, this hasn’t occurred in beyondpod.

Steps to reproduce:
Example episode link: