Sorting episodes already in Q

App version: x.y.z (state whether from Google Play/F-Droid/Custom built APK)

****:episodes in the Q are not easily changed. Sorting options are limited and manually ordering your Q is evading me.

Suggested solution: drag & drop or individually select episodes that appear in the Q manually to select a customized play order.

Screenshots / Drawings / Technical details:

Apologies for necrobumping this. It seems important, as there is one Vote for this from another person than the poster, to point out that this is requesting an already existing feature.

The queue is possible to sort manually by dragging and dropping episodes. If it seems to not be, that is likely an effect of having clicked the triple dots in the upper right corner and selected Lock queue. Just revert that lock and it’ll work again.

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An additional reason could be that you checked “keep sorted” when sorting the queue

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