Unable to add new podcast

App version: 3.6.1.f (F-Droid)

Android version: 15 (Graphene OS)

Device model: Pixel 8

Expected behaviour: add new subscription to Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons via the 1 of the many ways offered by the app.

Current behaviour: Cannot add new subscription to Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons.

First occurred: 2 weeks ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Antenna Pod, click subscriotons tab
  2. Click the plus icon in the bottom right hand side of screen
  3. Click any of the “search by…” options and then enter “firewalls don’t” and search
  4. You will be shown 1 result, click it to add it and you’ll see an error message: “The podcast’s host server sent a website, not a podcast.”
  5. Press ok go back to the
    Add podcast menu and click add podcast by RSS address and enter the RSS URL which I took from the podcast’s site Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast
  6. The app will again show the same error as above

Curious. I ran it through an RSS validator and everything shows green. That makes me wonder what else is unique about that feed (assuming you are still able to add other podcast feeds in AntennaPod).

I think I had a look at that exact podcast a while ago. They sometimes show the “confirm that you are human” page, even though an RSS feed is specifically made to not be read by humans. It gets worse if you use a VPN. Unfortunately, that’s a broken server configuration on their end. Nothing that we could work around on our end.


Yeah, I have been able to add other podcasts to Antenna Pod.

Thank you for looking into this for me. Love the app by the way.