Unable to start playing any podcast

App version: 3.4.1f F-DROID

Android version: LINEAGE OS with MICROG 21

Device model: MI 11I

Expected behaviour: when pressing play, from a streaming version or downloaded version, it should play.

Current behavior: after some times, the play button doesn’t work anymore, from both downloaded version or from streaming version. Closing and starting the app doesn’t help. The only way is to reboot the phone.

First occurred: more or less, it occurs from 6 weeks.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. after some days (more or less 1 week)
  2. open a podcast
  3. it doesn’t play
  4. I have to reboot to make the podcast playing.

Environment: I don’t think anything changes.

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Have you example podcast?
Have you errors: Settings → bugs?
Have you give right to Play etc?
At moment running for me all podcast Fine.
VPN/ads others network filter tool?

Would probably not help but does other apps (music or video player) work or is it only AntennaPod?

If you have toggled pause playback when interrupted (instead of lowering volume) try to switch it off. I don’t think it would change anything but maybe another app is constantly stealing audio focus ?

podcast examples: c dans l’air
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Bugs: no bug report
Right to Play? I think so, as it is running well most of the time.
VPN/ads: I am constantly using Tracker Control and will verify that next time it happens.

I will verify that next time specifically, as I also use RADIODROID too.

lineage have so much issues :smiling_face_with_tear:

Do you think Lineage is responsible for the current issue?

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