Update first screenshot on antennapod.org to something sexier

While translating website I noticed that first picture representing the app is not very attractive. Could we replace it with something more interesting, like home screen screenshot and decorate it with different background?

PlayStore screenshot are a bit better in that regard, see https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.danoeh.antennapod

Signal has cool homepage for the app:

Ah, and other 2 screenshots on our homepage are just crops of the first one. Definitely needs some love :wink:

Yeah, the website definitely needs some love. We have actually been working with Ryan (who also made our refreshed logo) on the website. But he’s very busy with paid clients (he’s been doing this for us pro bono) and we also kinda have other priorities and limited time, so it got stuck a bit.

If there’s someone interested in picking up work and coordination on this, I’ll happily do a handover.